Main Stream Media & Middle East: Irrationally Vilify Romney to Protect Obama
Four Americans, including our Libyan ambassador, have been murdered by radical Islamists. Additional embassy employees have been injured. (No Marines to protect our embassy on the 11th anniversary of...
View Article2007: Obama Prophesies “The Day I’m Inaugurated Muslim Hostility Will Ease”...
While a presidential candidate in 2007, our now security briefing-averse President made the case for himself by confidently pronouncing he was uniquely qualified to stabilize America’s relationships in...
View ArticleClinton Global Initiative: Romney Tackles Futile Foreign Aid, Stop Handouts,...
Today, Governor Mitt Romney and former President Bill Clinton walked across a stage, side-by-side, to stand together at a lectern before a large crowd. The meeting of the 8th annual Clinton Global...
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